204 Helten Avenue
PO Box 508
Park Rapids, MN 56470
Phone: 218-732-9179
Directions to the Arena
Open Hockey/Open Skate and Events
1. Rink personal will keep and maintain a First Aid Kit for use in case of minor injury.
2. In the case of a major injury during open hockey, open skate or events; the ambulance will be called to deliver emergency services and transport, if needed, for treatment.
3. Smoking, use of tobacco, alcohol, swearing, and use of foul language, rough housing, hitting, harassment, theft or vandalism of the arena’s property or others’ property is strictly prohibited.
4. During open hockey, practice, games or outside rink use, full protective hockey gear must be worn at all times by any Association Member 18 and under. It is strongly recommended all persons participating in open hockey wear full protective gear.
5. Participate at your own risk.
6. PRAHA will not be held responsible for injuries that result from any skating activity including practices, games, open hockey, open skate or any other event.
7. Slap shots and checking are not allowed during open hockey on the inside or outside ice.
8. During open skate, activities such as crack the whip, pom pom pull away or speed skating is not allowed.
9. Throwing objects on the ice will result in immediate ejection from the building and grounds.
10. Laser lights are not allowed in or around the arena.
11. Shooting pucks, balls and stick handling is only allowed in the dry land (southwest corner) area of the arena.
12. Throwing any items in the arena is not allowed.
13. Persons hitting, climbing on or hanging on the viewing glass will be asked to leave the building.
14. Parking is allowed in the school loop only. Only delivery pickups and drop offs are allowed on the sidewalk.
Other issues that may arise will be handled by rink staff as seen fit and reported to the Board of Directors. Please be respectful of others and the building.